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Friday 20 December 2013


This is my first draft of my music video. I spent around 2-3 weeks editing it together after using videos from 5 sessions of filming. Although it isn't a full music video, there are only a few parts that still need putting in. This is because I began my first day of filming before I decided to change my storyboard. After i had re-written some of it i then had to organise a day to film the new parts of the storyboard. On the first day of editing I decided that i would follow my storyboard exactly and so edited the videos to the exact same times as i had planned out. However, it then turned out that it was a really boring video and I decided to change it. I booked out a camera and took inspiration from the 3 videos in an earlier post and went and added some extra shots in editing. Although this draft doesn't match the storyboard exactly, i still used videos from it and most are in the same place as i had planned out except i have added in some extra videos and made shots that were supposed to last for 5 seconds long, last for shorter times.   

Saturday 7 December 2013

Filming/New Ideas

As i have started editing i have noticed that the video doesn't look very exciting as there is not much movement and a lot of my shots last for 4/5 seconds which initially i didn't think seemed that long. However, when the camera isn't moving the shot looked dull. I then decided that i would have a few shots which were a number of videos sped up and put together to last a few seconds that would create a more exciting few seconds. I decided to go out at the weekend and film a few shots of the Christmas lights which would appear in my video for about 1 second in a montage of lots of clips edited together really fast. The lights were mainly purple and blue and white which was good because the connotations these colours have are passion and love with the purple but also the blue connotes sadness and loneliness which are both of the main emotions i want my main character and artist in my video to be portraying. 

I have also watched 3 more music videos which have been recommended for me to see and I have found out that instead of having one action from one angle for 6 seconds at a time, to do the same action but from multiple different angles which means that the video is more exciting and not just one shot being boring because of the faster edits. However, it won't seem like faster edits because it will be the same actions happening. 

Ellie Goulding - Your Song
I like the effects that have been used on the video here because it makes it look 'softer' and less like a harsh dead winter scene. I also like the fact that there are shots of things like a train ticket when she is on the train and some leaves when she is in the forest. 

One Direction - One Way Or Another 
In this video, it looks like it is a home movie that the artist has shot themselves. Using this idea will link well with the ideas i have taken from the 'Your Song' video.

Kings of Leon - Radioactive. these three videos 
The main idea from this video that I like is the slow motion and colour effects that have been put over the video to make it look like an old film reel playing or like an old photo effect that you'd find in a scrapbook